Let’s work through a few prediction techniques that can give us text that resembles some source material.
Writing programs to perform some tasks is useful but writing programs that respond to user input are infinitely more useful.
Introduction Originally, this blog post was going to be specifically about Curiously Recurring Template Patterns (CRTP) in C++ and give a concrete example of when to use it.
A Simple Case Let’s look at a case where we can change the way a Function Template behaves by passing it various Lambdas as arguments.
Keeping track of time is important when programming. Git records the date and time of each commit you perform, but extracting the amount of time you spent on a commit or task is impossible.
If you do any sort of C++ programming, you may know about Compiler Explorer.
So, you need to create a swarm of Linux Containers to test multiple clients but don’t want the containers to stick around when you’re finished.
Do you have a Linux server? Do users need SSH access to the server?
To those who have never seen polymorphism, this will look like black magic.
This is a guide to gaining multiple levels of resilience for a filesystem through the combination of dm-crypt, BTRFS, and OverlayFS.
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